Beard And Mustache Transplant


Beard and mustache transplantation is a nonsurgical procedure in which hair follicles are transplanted from the back of the head, the donor, to the chin or beard area, the recipient.

Beards without any doubt are one of the most important features in men’s facial appearance. And it has been conveyed as a beauty symbol for men in many cultures for decades. Unfortunately, sometimes there is a burden between a man and his desire for growing a full beard for a couple of reasons.
Fortunately, we live In the age of technology which provided us with new technologies and techniques to do a beard and hair transplantation. An operation that will give the man confidence and self-esteem that will eventually affect his social and professional life for the better.
In MagiClinic we provide you with a full-fledged team of experienced doctors to provide you with the best treatment before, during, and after the operation.

Before & After

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What Are The Reasons That Lead To A Beard Transplant?

Some men have a hard time growing a beard and some lose the beard hair and it’s undesirable either way and it’s revolved around the same factors some of these factors are :

• Hormonal factors.
• Genetic issues.
• Testosterone problems.
• Scars from accidents or previous surgery.
• Skin diseases.


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    – In past experiences, it is proved that transplanted pubic hair could face balding and thinning.

    – Most of the companies that promote this for the sole reason of profit. And even though some of these supplements help with certain areas of the beard but it will not be satisfying and intense as the hair that will grow after the beard transplantation.

    – Any kind of hair transplantation is not painful and if any pain occurred it will fade away in the first week after the operation.
