Neck Liposuction

Neck Liposuction

As any liposuction procedure Neck liposuction aim is to eliminate the fat in the neck area. This will result In a slim and smooth shape of the Neck and compatibility with the other parts of the body. It also will provide the person with more confidence. And since it is done in a neck area which is a sensitive area you should carefully choose your surgeon.

MagiClinic in Turkey offers an Experienced  team of doctors in the Plastic surgery field that will ensure a smooth process before, during, and after the operation.

What Are The Factors To Have Neck Liposuction ?

  • Double chin.
  •  Unbalanced facial features.
  • Unrefined jawline.
  • Unattractive Neck shape.

 And the doctors will consider every factor led to Face Fat Injection and it will receive its proper treament.

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    – The operation is done under Local anesthesia so the patient will not feel any pain during the procedure.

    – Yes, it is possible and it is also used in face lifting and butt lifting.

    – In this kind of operation, only the cells are targeted so no it is not harmful to the skin.

    – Turkey has proven it is strength in combining economic prices and excellent quality and results in the cosmetics field.

    – After proper care, it takes 1 to 3 weeks.
