Laser Operation

What is Laser Treatment?

There are 13 different methods and cutting-edge technology applied in laser treatment, The eye examination for laser treatment takes about 1 and half hours and requires an examination that includes detailed tests.

Laser treatment, is applied for the treatment of refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Who is Eligible for Laser Treatment?

• People over the age of 18.
• People with suitable corneal thickness.
• People with myopia up to -10 diopters.
• People with astigmatism up to 6 diopters.
• People with hyperopia up to +4 diopters.
• Those who do not have systematic diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism.
• Those who do not have any other disease (corneal sharpening, eye pressure, etc.) in their eyes.
• Those who are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

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    – Detailed eye examination should be performed to determine suitability for laser treatment. During the examination, visual acuity and glasses numbers should be determined, corneal topography should be taken, biomicroscopic examination should be performed and finally eye pressure should be measured.

    The presence of systemic diseases such as age, diabetes, goiter, and high blood pressure should be questioned in detail, and Wavefront or Topolazer advanced examinations should be performed as needed.


    – For laser treatment, the topographic map of the corneal layer of the eye is determined in detail with a topography device and the thickness map of the cornea is obtained. Corneal thickness is as important a parameter as the eye number in choosing the surgical method to be applied.

    – After dropping a drop that dilates the pupils and waiting for about 30 minutes, the eye numbers are determined again and a detailed eye examination (retinal vessel and nerve layer) is performed. If there are risky areas such as thinning, tears, holes in the retina, these areas are protected with the argon laser method. Argon laser application may require to delay , excimer laser treatment for 3 weeks, but it does not prevent treatment. It provides a more secure application.

    – There is no harm for the patient who will have laser treatment to eat on the day of treatment.

    The patient must only pay attention for:

    • Not wearing eye make-up.
    • Not using use perfume.
    • Not using blood thinners.

    -The patient, whose laser treatment is completed, is kept waiting for about half an hour and is taken for a control examination. The patient can leave our hospital after this control. First day; It is normal to have blurred vision and stinging, burning and watering in the eyes for 3-4 hours. It is necessary to pay attention to the use of medication as recommended by the doctor. If a headache is felt after laser, a pain reliever that does not have blood thinning properties can be taken. We do not recommend driving a car and going to work on the day of surgery. Avoid being in a dusty environment, the treated eye should not be rubbed, scratched, touched, washed or bathed during the first 24 hours. In the first days, care should be taken not to get soap and shampoo in the eyes. The next day of the operation, there are no side effects left that will limit social and work life. The next day of the operation, during the check-up, If wrinkles are detected in the transparent area on the surface of the eye or if there is a reaction under the flap (valve), it may be necessary to wash the bottom of the flap. An artificial tear drop recommended by the doctor should be used for approximately 3 – 6 months after the operation.
