Hollywood Smile


Hollywood is a non-surgical cosmetic operation that gives immediate results. It is done by placing customized peels on the original teeth of the patient. The dental peels are customized individually based on the shape of the patient’s jaw and mouth. The goal is to give the patient’s teeth a better shape as well as to keep them bright for many years. Hollywood Smile is performed to get rid of the pigmentations and color changes that happen to one’s teeth. It is also a very effective way to solve the problem of broken, missing, or basically any irregular teeth line.

Before & After

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Good Effects Of Smiling In Life

Beautiful smile and healty gums give positive effects to people’s life.People appear not only young and charming but also self-confident. It means, a nice “smile” can change your social life. Self-confidence, communication with the environment is increasing, and that brings success in work life.The person that We Meet in daily life,immediately focus on the person’s teeth. Smile design is to renew your smile by applying dentistry and art together. Nothing can express the personality, energy and self confidence of a person as much as a healthy and excellent smile. Your smile is your appereance. Nowadays, dentists design your smile according to your own features such as face shape and tooth shape

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    – Hollywood Smile prices vary according to the type of treatment, but generally between 3000 USD and 6000 USD.

    – Most of them have veneers or crowns.

    – Of course, you can drink anything.

    – Porcelain coating does not harm your natural teeth in any way. In fact, it protects your natural teeth from further decay and other damage.

    – Veneers and crowns are -both dental restoration methods that may improve the planning and performance of your teeth. The most important difference is that a veneer covers only the front of your tooth and a crown covers the complete tooth.
